Enrolment Applications


Before applying for a student visa, international students must enroll in an approved education institution in the destination country. We spend some time with prospective students in planning study and selecting a suitable course and education institution.


Once students have selected a course, we assist student to:


- Check that they meet the course entry requirements

- Assemble the information for their enrolment application

- Gather supporting documentation.




Next, we lodge students enrolment application. Enrolment applications may be paper-based or web-based. In either case, we make sure that:


- Use the proper enrolment application forms

- Fill in all fields fully and correctly

- Attach supporting documentation appropriately

- Submit the application correctly

- Pay any deposits, fees, or charges into the correct accounts.




If the application is not processed in a reasonable amount of time, we will:


- Follow up any delays in processing the application

- Assist the student to supply any extra information which is requested.




When an enrolment application is accepted by an education institution, it is usually provisional until a student visa is issued. We  make sure that the education institution:


- Supplies the correct enrolment acceptance documentation for the student visa application

- Notifies the destination country's immigration authorities if required to do so.


Visa Applications


Once students enrolment has been accepted by an education institution, international students must apply for a student visa. We will assist students to prepare, lodge, and monitor their student visa applications, similar to the help we  provided with their enrolment applications. Much of the information and supporting documentation gathered for the enrolment application is also used in the visa application.




Once students have enrolled in a course, we will:


- Check that they meet the student visa requirements

- Assemble the information for their visa application

- Gather supporting documentation.




Whether the student visa application is paper-based or web-based, we will assist students to its lodgement. In particular, make sure:


- Use the proper student visa application forms

- Fill in all fields fully and correctly, in particular:

- Personal information

- Information about character and health

- Information about financial means

- Information about academic and language ability

- Attach supporting documentation appropriately

- Proof of enrolment in an approved course

- Proof of adequate health coverage

- Submit the application correctly

- Pay the application fee into the correct account

- Provide a valid passport




Processing of student visa applications may take some time, depending on the procedures of the destination country's immigration authorities. If the application is not processed in a reasonable amount of time, we will:


- Follow up any delays in processing the application

- Assist the student to supply any extra information which is requested.




When the student visa is issued, we will check that the immigration authority has:


- Issued the correct student visa, with correct passport stamp and entry documentation

- Notified the education institution if required to do so


Time Frames


The time frame from a student's selecting a course to the student visa being issued can be considerable in some destination countries and for some student visa types. In other cases, this time frame can be quite quick, for example where the applications are simple and the processing is routine.


We will know the likely processing time frames for the different types of course and student visa which may be encountered in destination countries. We will advise prospective students of these time frames, and they should be taken into account when students are planning study and selecting courses. We also factor in sufficient time before the course start date for:


- Recruitment advice and course selection

- Enrolment preparation and processing

- Student visa preparation and processing

- Travel

- Orientation and settling in


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